
October 30, 2009 at 5:43 pm Leave a comment

eBay Books 001   Work hard in school and get a good education.  Good students are not nerds or geeks!  They are the future; you want to be part of that.  (1) 

I believe in telling your children from early on that advanced education is necessary to succeed in life.  It isn’t necessarily college.  It can be a trade school or classes that will help you advance in the field you are interested in.  Those “pieces of paper” do count.  (2)

Be curious and ask a lot of questions.  Learn about things that may not be within your usual areas of interest.  This is the definitive example of thinking outside the box.  If someone says “no” to a reasonable question, ask them why.  (2)

Read to your children at a very early age and encourage much reading, as most of your education stems from reading.  (44)


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Fall Fiesta Frosted Cakes and Frosted Pumpkins

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Recipe. According to Encarta, "a list of ingredients and instructions for making something." The thesaurus offers the alternate terms, "formula, guidelines, directions, steps, technique."

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October 2009
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